Monday, June 20, 2016

June Gloom; June Bloom

Can the year really have hit halfway already. The past six months have raced by as I predicted they would. It's been a full six months, with a lot going on and a lot of preparation taking place in the lead up to the business end of the year. The first half of 2016 has quickly become a wrapped parcel of time stored in my memory. I’ve turned a year older and turning 23 has made me feel like it’s time I stop procrastinating and begin to pursue my dreams with a little more intent. White Rose is a big part of this. 
Gloom vs Bloom, 2016

With the Olympic games upon us, this is our time as athletes and teammates to let go of fear and jump in head first. My teammate and close friend Katie Duncan is literally jumping in head first in July by shaving off her luscious locks for the sake of letting go and in support of charity. We as Football Ferns have collectively and individually spent a lot of time with our psychologist David Galbraith who has lead brilliant mind sessions that have challenged our deepest motives. He has provoked us to learn to understand ourselves in the most honest and pure way possible. In my mind he is helping me to live from a place of total self-confidence and self-acceptance that will allows me to fearlessly chase my dreams. So if that’s the goal how am I going to get there? My current methods are not as bold as shaving my head, perhaps I’m not quite ready for that. However, Katie is, and she said; “It made me realise that I’m still held back sometimes by self-doubt and fear, both on the field and off it. So I’ve decided that shaving my head is just one step I can take to live more courageously”. I say you’re a legend Katie! To support Katie and her brilliant charity, donate here: 

Katie, 2016

The past few months have been slightly quieter on the creative front, however I have had a few fun projects on the go. My sister Jo requested I design her some caricatures of her and her girl friends along the same lines as this drawing...

This is how it ended up…

Jo's Rose Skirt Models, 2016

My next project is a request from my friend Sam, she has asked me to design a family tree. This is my current project and it’s shaping up quite nicely, it’s also been a really interesting way to get creative and look back into how families have evolved and how they continue to grow!

Here’s what the project currently looks like… A work in progress!

Lots of action to be taken and procrastination to be ignored. 

Until the next time 


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