Monday, September 26, 2016

There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

All my life I’ve searched for a rainbow’s end. I’ve never found a pot of gold.
But in that search I write a story. The story of my life. This is the real gold. 
~ Rosie (Thinks she's Aristotle) White 

The brilliant singer, songwriter, novelist, poet Leonard Cohen sings – “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in”.

We remember the cracks better than anything else. The cracks, our so-called imperfections, these are the things that make us spectacular these are the things that make us stand out in a crowd.
For me, the imperfect moments are my most pure and joyful memories.
We often spend our time searching for perfect moments we assume these will be found at our destination. However, when we really think about our life it’s not the destination that we remember. It is the windy road that took us there, the rollercoaster that was our journey.
I’ve found comfort in keeping Liverpool’s finest coffee shops in business, and I’m keeping myself busy with various artistic projects fuelled mainly by flat white consumption.

Everything works out in non-perfect, crack filled, perfect way.

My life seems to either run at absolute full pelt or quite the opposite. Right now is the first time in three months I’ve found myself with a little too much time on my hands, a little too many realities to face and a little too much cold weather.

I’m feeling content to sit still and reflect on the last few months. From the lead up to Rio and the Olympic experience, to then coming back to Liverpool, travelling through Portugal, around the U.K., Amsterdam and spending doting times with old friends.

These photographs say more than my words... 
(Annalie Longo) The Olympic experience wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. In fact it posed me with some of the most challenging moments of my life. However, the opportunity to represent New Zealand in Rio and be a part of something so HUGE and amazing felt a bit like this...

Liver Building - Liverpool: My favourite building in Liverpool topped with two Liver birds. A male and a female, the female is supposedly looking out to sea watching for seamen to return home, while the male looks toward the city to make sure the pubs are still open.

Driving through the Lake District - North England. We had to stop and smell the flowers. The lighting was unreal, the setting was beautiful.

It's true, England has some radical beaches and we found them. We stayed in a wicked beach shack on the doorstep of this beauty surf beach. Nils is perched up there in shock he's still in England.

Scafell Pike, England: It was the first hike Kate Longhurst had ever been on! Granted I didn't find this out until I had dragged her to the top of the highest mountain in England. She made it, she moaned a lot, but she loved it... I think.

Spent three days smiling with this gorgeous wee thing in Amsterdam. She's rocking it out in my favourite European city, such a brilliant place! I think we cycled the whole city in the time we spent there... A few slow mornings were made up for
with some late nights and fab times.

Amsterdam Noord - Be rude not to indulge in a fruity Pinot.

Glorious sunset through the pines - Lake District

There's been some glorious moments shared with some glorious people. These are what have filled the cracks, these are the moments along the journey that I will remember for many days and moments to come. 

Cheers for now, 

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